As a small- to medium-sized business (SMB) owner, keeping your dental clinic’s valuable data safe should be a priority. Cybercriminals often target SMBs and healthcare organizations because compared to larger corporations, these entities often lack the technology and manpower to run an efficient cybersecurity system, making them easier to infiltrate.
In addition, healthcare service providers including dental clinics serve as a repository for sensitive patient information that’s worth a lot on the dark web.
But even if your dental clinic is using the latest cybersecurity software solutions, the actions of your employees play a big part in keeping your data safe from hackers. Human error can play a big factor in whether your cybersecurity initiatives are successful. Clicking on a compromised link is all it takes for a hacker to infiltrate and steal your patients’ valuable data. Educating your employees on cybersecurity best practices can go a long way in keeping your company's data safe. Here are some ways your employees can take part in preventing data breaches and cyberattacks.
#1 Avoid sharing valuable data
Most people know never to share personal data such as credit card information, social security numbers, and home addresses with strangers. Your employees should exercise the same level of caution with your company’s information. For example, an employee sharing an image that shows a computer screen in the background can unknowingly expose private information that can put your company at risk. Security policies must be implemented to help avoid situations such as these.
#2 Learn about phishing attacks
According to Verizon’s 2022 Data Breach Investigations Report, 82% of breaches involved the human element, including social attacks, errors, and misuse.
Phishing is one of the oldest forms of cyberattack, and the preferred method of most cybercriminals. By posing as a trusted source in a text message, phone call, or email, cybercriminals trick users into providing their personal information. Most phishing emails prompt users to click on a link that will either automatically download malware or take someone to a fake website where they are prompted to enter their login credentials and other valuable information.
You can ask your IT staff or a reputable managed IT services provider (MSP) like Pact-One to train your employees in identifying phishing emails so the latter won’t fall victim to such scams.
#3 Use multifactor authentication (MFA)
Passwords are the most common security measures used by applications. However, there are many ways hackers can steal your employees’ login credentials, allowing them to walk right into your network system. MFA prevents such unauthorized access to your network system by adding an extra layer of security to a user’s password. This can include a fingerprint, facial scan, or one-time code, which will make it harder for hackers to infiltrate your network.
#4 Use a virtual private network (VPN) when connecting to public Wi-Fi
You should always remind your employees never to use public Wi-Fi when they need internet access outside of your dental clinic. The encryption protocol used by Wi-Fi networks called Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) comes with a serious flaw that allows hackers within the range of the network to spy on and even intercept valuable data that's supposed to be encrypted.
However, if they have no choice but to use public Wi-Fi, ask them to secure the connection by using a virtual private network (VPN). VPNs encrypt connections to effectively keep hackers from spying on your employees' browsing activities.
#5 Encourage the use of firewalls
A firewall is one of the first lines of defense against cybercriminals, so it's highly recommended that your employees use firewalls not only when working in the office, but at home as well. Firewalls are important because they help filter all the information coming from the internet into your network system. For example, when filters flag a specific packet of information, the firewall ensures it never gets through.
When it comes to dependable cybersecurity solutions, dental clinics in the states of Nevada and California trust only Pact-One. Our team of cybersecurity experts will show you and your staff the best ways to keep your network safe from cyberattacks. Get in touch with us today to learn more.
Dental IT. Remove the Burden. Embrace the Use.
Quality patient care – it's ultimately why you became a dental professional. But, some business operations can get in the way (such as pesky computer issues or lack of IT support). That’s where Pact-One Solutions can help! Our passion lies in supplying reliable, responsive dental IT support and security that practices can count on.
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Don't let technology challenges hinder your ability to deliver exceptional dental care. Contact us at or 866-722-8663 to join 350+ dental practices thriving with the support of a dedicated dental IT team.
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